nginx 1.17.9(mainline version)已发布,此版本主要是修复 bug,更新内容如下
- 变更:在此版本中,nginx 不支持部分”Host”的请求行(request header lines)
- Bugfix:nginx 忽略其他”Transfer-Encoding”的请求行
- Bugfix:使用 HTTP/2 时出现 socket 泄露的情况
- Bugfix:如果使用 OCSP stapling,可能会在 worker process 中出现段错误
- Bugfix:修复 ngx_http_mp4_module 中的错误
- Bugfix:如果使用”error_page”指令重定向了状态码 494 的错误,nginx 会使用状态代码 494,而不是 400
- Bugfix:在 njs 模块和”aio”指令中使用子请求时出现 socket 泄漏的情况
Changes with nginx 1.17.9 03 Mar 2020 *) Change: now nginx does not allow several "Host" request header lines. *) Bugfix: nginx ignored additional "Transfer-Encoding" request header lines. *) Bugfix: socket leak when using HTTP/2. *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if OCSP stapling was used. *) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module. *) Bugfix: nginx used status code 494 instead of 400 if errors with code 494 were redirected with the "error_page" directive. *) Bugfix: socket leak when using subrequests in the njs module and the "aio" directive.